tiny tweak, expansive meaning

I made a miniscule change to my blog yesterday. Nothing really newsworthy, but it had been something niggling at the back of my mind for a while which finally, today, demanded attention.

The tagline used to be “playing conceptual dress-up.”  All well and good for someone who, as I wrote in one of my first posts, likes ideas. I said, “I like to try on new ones and old ones and mix and match and play with them, to juxtapose them, to find comfortable ones and really sparkly strange ones too.  Maybe they sometimes even match.”

And then I went for a walk in the woods – something I recommend for helping sort out niggling details, and I tried my darndest to open up my perceptions, to really pay attention, to breathe deeply and notice where smells changed, where the sound of cricket song started (in the sun-warmed, flowering, pathside at the top of the rise) and where the woods were hushed. My skin thrilled at the brush and catch of spider silk and, my eyes softened to the spaces between trees and their shadows.

And I thought, “Ideas? Concepts? What was I thinking?” That’s only part of the picture. What I really want to include is all the ways it’s possible to pay attention, play with perspective, shift perceptions and that’s not just mental conceptualizing. So I changed the tagline to “playing perceptual dress-up.”

I am energized by the edges of territory, with using concepts as lenses and perceptions as doorways. doorways of percieving

The universe is vast and there are many ways to experience it.

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image source: Trey Ratcliff‘s flickr (via Compfight) where he kindly licenses his work through creative commons. Quality photos – really interesting person. Apparently I like his Angkor Wat photos because he was the source for this image, here, as well.

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